No more training wheels!

July 4th weekend Royce decided to take the training wheels off Syd’s bike which she got for Christmas.  They never worked that well anyways…our roads here are very uneven and she would get herself stuck with a training wheel up high enough that her rear bike wheel didn’t even touch the ground so she would just spin out…kind of defeated the purpose and made it frustrating.  And they were made of steel so we were unable to bend them up to make the bike a bit more “wobbly” to avoid the problem.

She has been using a balance bike since she was about 3 (or tall enough to use it…can’t recall when) which I think helped the process cause according to Royce she got it the first time he let her go!  She still has a hard time getting started, the concept of keeping one foot on the ground with another on the pedal is not quite there yet but hopefully after some more practice she will be off and riding all by herself.

If only we had side walks here for her to ride on… 😦


  1. Yay Syd! Balance bikes rock–I’m pretty sure that’s why Jake picked up the pedal bike so quickly. Now if we can just get Naomi to ride hers…she has no interest whatsoever.

    • Neither does Ingrid!!! It is so strange!

      • I don’t get it!! She likes the scooter and she’ll even run alongside Jake while he’s riding but it’s like pulling teeth to get her on that darn bike! And I want her to learn so that eventually we can go on bike rides together 😕

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